About Me

Hi! I’m Aiden, a game design student with a strong ambition to pursue a career as a Systems Designer. Throughout my studies I have honed my skills in swiftly prototyping systems to assess their engagement and appeal. I’ve also had a keen focus on Quality Assurance and games testing, which I have pinpointed as an ideal entry point into the games industry. I’ve spent a good portion of my study time focusing on this area of game development, by developing testing plans for the systems and games that I’ve worked on.
I hope you take the time to read about and play some of the projects that’s I’ve highlighted here in my portfolio.

Software and Programming Languages


Quality Assurance

Quality Assurance has been an area of Game Development that quickly grabbed my interest throughout my studies. I highlighted this area as an ideal entry point for me into the games industry and focused my development around that. Although I've only been actively improving my Quality Assurance skills in the last few years, I was able to draw from a skill set that I'd been developing for nearly my entire life. When I was younger, I took a great deal of joy in trying to break games in as many different ways as possible. Little did I realize this was developing a skill that would help me later in life. Once we entered our first Q/A module at AIE (Academy of Interactive Entertainment), I was quickly able to identify and measure bugs, many of which went unidentified by other students. Once I identified this unique skill set, I focused my efforts throughout my studies on improving my bug reporting and documentation skills.
I've linked below a few Trello boards that I've used throughout my studies to identify and track bugs in our projects.

Blood Reaver QA


Contact Me

Email me at: aidenstorer01@gmail.com