Toast Time was the second of our games made by a three-member team during our Mini Mammoth work placement. The initial concept of Toast Time came from a simple UI only mobile game that I had prototyped earlier in the year that was created to test our accurate the players perception of time was. This was achieved by challenging them to hold down their screen for a set number of seconds, getting scored for our close they were to the set time.
Core Loop
Toast Time had a very simple core loop, the player is given a set time for each toast that they must put it in the toaster for. The player then slides the toast down into the toaster and taps the screen again once they believe that the correct amount of time has elapsed. The player is given a higher score depending on how close they were to the requested time with the total score tallying up with each sequential toast. If the player burns or thoroughly under toasts the toast their streak is over, and they will be presented with their final score.
Team Lead / Vision Holder
Due to our previous game made at Mini Mammoth going a week over time, I pitched Toast Time as a game that we could make in the remaining week we were there, which was only two days as that’s the number of workdays we had each week. Although the final version of Toast Time was made in two days its initial conception happened earlier that year with a UI only mobile game, I had created earlier that year designed to test how accurately someone could guess how long they were holding down their finger on their phone screen to a matter of milliseconds. I took this initial version of the game and had friends and family test it for me, although the game did not test well with the more experienced gamers I had test it, it was the less experienced testers I had play it who didn’t play many games who really took a liking to it, with many refusing to give my phone back while testing stating ‘One more try, I’ll get it next time’.
Working on Toast Time was my first-time publishing to the Google Play store without assistance. Not only were we able to push a build and multiple updates to the Google Play store, with the help of my programmer Julian Pahor, we were able to implement Google Play leaderboard integration. On the production side it was a game of many firsts and a valuable experience.